










1.Beginning from the end 


Some tutors advise students to start to do the reading test from reading passage 3. From my point of view, it`s a very foolish suggestion. The reason is that section 3 only contains 13 questions and the most difficult article. The other 27 questions are written with easier texts that take less time to answer and can provide 27 correct answers. Also, after answering 27 questions, the student feels more confident in answering the rest and can afford to make some errors in section 3. 

一些老师建议学生在阅读考试时先做Passage 3,在官方看来,这是一个非常愚蠢的建议。 

Passage 3只包含13个问题,文章难度相对较大。 而前两篇的27个问题难度一般较小,考生可以花费较少的时间得到27个正确答案。 并且,在回答了较简单的27个问题后,学生在回答其他问题时更有信心,相对可以承受出现一些错误。

 2. Reading whole texts 


Don`t read the whole texts! Just answer the questions! You have only 1 hour for 40 questions. During this time, you should manage to read 3 passages. Go direct to questions and then begin to read the texts answering the question. 

不要阅读全文! 要以回答问题为导向!你只有1个小时, 并且要做40道题。 在这段时间,你应该设法完成3篇阅读,先看问题,然后开始阅读回答问题的文本内容。

3.Time management 


The most common problem in the reading test is time management. It`s a challenge to read several not so short articles and then to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes. Thus, it`s essential to approach this test rationally. 

雅思阅读考试最常见的问题是时间管理。 阅读一些不那么简短的文章,然后在60分钟内回答40个问题是一个挑战。 因此,合理地处理3篇文章是非常重要的。

4. Wrong approach to multiple choice questions 


This type of questions is quite tricky for both reading and listening tests. In the reading test the difficulty is connected with paraphrasing - almost unrecognizably. Many students get confused about these questions and waste time reading the whole texts and questions several times. 

In the case of multiple choice questions you need to: use keyword technique - underline keywords in the question and in the answers; find the right part of the text; read carefully and compare the text with the question. 

选择题对于阅读和听力考试都很棘手。在阅读考试中,主要难度在于paraphrase,句子改述, 几乎不可识别。许多学生对这些问题感到困惑,浪费时间多次阅读整篇文章和问题。


  • 使用关键词技巧:在问题和答案选项中划出关键词; 

  • 找到原文中正确的部分;

  • 仔细阅读,将原文与问题进行比较。

5. "Over-thinking" the question.


Some students become so sophisticated in the IELTS test that sometimes they "over-think" the questions and concentrate too much on the details. 



The two week planned study into the psychological impact of prison life... 

现在请判断下面的陈述是true, false or not given:

The study aimed to investigate the mental and behavioral effects of life in prison. 


正确的答案是 "true", 但许多学生会选择“not given”,因为他们认为"psychological" 一词比 "mental and behavioral"更为复杂。 显然,这些术语的含义是很相似的。

6. Answering the questions based on  your own opinions and conclusions. 


Very often students read the text and make conclusions  and give answers based on them. In the reading test, you should answer the questions based on the texts only, not on your opinions or conclusions or something else that seems right too. 

考生们经常阅读文章并自己作出结论,以此为基础给出答案。 在阅读考试中,你应该只基于原文内容来回答问题,而不是根据你的意见或结论或其他你觉得似乎是对的东西。

7."Yes, no, not given" instead of "True, False, Not given" and vice versa. 

≠ False 

There can be "Yes, no, Not given" and "True, False, Not  Given" questions in the reading test. The meaning and technique of these two groups are very similar. However, students often write "True, False" instead of "Yes and No" and vice versa. Unfortunately, in this case, their answers are wrong and do not bring marks. 

"Yes, no, not given" 不同于"True, False, Not given" ,反之亦然。

阅读考试中既有要求回答"Yes, No, Not given" ,也有"True, False, Not  Given" 的问题,这两种问题考察的点不同。

然而,考生们常常混淆,该写"Yes 和 No"却写成 "True, False" ,反之一样。在这种情况下,他们的答案会被考官判定是错误的,不会得分。

8. "Skimming" and "Scanning" 


Too many websites advise doing the reading test using these skills. It is a big mistake! Undoubtedly, you need these skills when you want to find any numbers or names of places quickly. However, you should read the texts at normal speed in order not to miss any answers. Many answers to questions in the reading test are hidden in the text and you cannot find them if read very quickly. 

太多的网站建议在阅读考试中使用略读和扫读技能。 这是一个很大的错误! 



9. "Keyword" technique 


Almost all questions contain paraphrasing of the text. You should be able to define the main words and find its synonyms in the text. 

几乎所有的问题都是原文内容的改述。 考生应该确定关键词,并在原文中找到它的同义词。

10. Looking for answers in wrong order. 

 大海捞针 ?

The questions in the IELTS test are asked in the same order as the text, with the exception of questions such as, for example, what paragraph contains the following information. 

Don`t mix the questions! Read and answer them in the right order. 

除了what paragraph contains the following information这类问题以外,雅思考试中的问题都是按照原文内容呈现的顺序提出的。因此,不要混淆问题,要按照正确的顺序来阅读和回答。

11. Unfamiliarity with the answer sheet


Students sometimes take a lot of practice before the exam, but they don't fill out the answer sheet. In the exam, they get confused and make mistakes in the answer sheet. 

Obviously, you should practice filling out answer sheets beforehand in order not to waste time during the exam. 

考生们在考试前有时会进行大量的阅读练习,但是他们没有填写答题纸。 在考试中,他们会对答题纸产生一些困惑,甚至犯错误。


12. Writing two answers 


Sometimes, when students are not sure of the answers they write two answers in the answer sheet. Unfortunately, this way of answering the question does not bring marks. You should choose one answer. 

有时,当考生不确定答案时,他们会在答题纸上写下两个答案。 但是这种回答问题的方式不会得分,你应该选择一个答案。

13. Transferring of part of answers into the answer sheet


Sometimes, students don't manage to transfer all the answers onto the answer sheet. You should realize that the question booklet will not be assessed by the examiner. They see and assess only the answer sheet. 

有时,考生们没有将所有的答案都转移到答题纸上。 大家要记住,考官不会评估试卷的, 他们只看答题纸来打分。

14. Transferring carelessly and incorrectly 


In the reading test, you don`t have an additional 10 minutes for transferring the answers to the answer sheet. So, you should do it during the test. Very often students do it with grammatical errors, or mixing up the places for their answers. Be careful when transferring the answers as the examiner will assess the answer sheet but not the question booklet.     

在阅读考试中,考生没有额外的10分钟将答案写到答题纸上。 所以,你应该在考试中尽快完成。


  • 将带有语法错误的答案写到答题纸上;

  • 答案抄写在错误的位置













